I Was Going To Make Something With Plants

Then I started to feel not so great. Really not so great… Go to bed at 7 or 8 pm and then wake up at 2 am still not feeling so good, disoriented, but wide awake kind of not feeling great. So, this pic for two reasons-
A. I have been spending an inordinate amount of time there. &
B. I realised that while I’d taken some pics of the finished nightstands I’d never actually posted them here.

So there it is. We still haven’t banded the edges but we’re on a hiatus from buying anything that isn’t necessary for sustaining life. Will be glad when we can do that but for now I’m pretty happy with how they turned out. I am amazed by how much clutter and crap I find absolutely necessary to have at hand at night though.

Was sad there hasn’t been any small plant manhandling and shaping play but I am hoping I can get back to it before long. If anyone has any info about any of the styles I mentioned I would always be appreciative of more info. My obsession is by no means over but if I get feeling better this weekend I’d like to try doing a few things for St. Patrick’s day.

Anyone else ever feel like there’s not nearly enough time for all the fun projects you want to do? Or worse that there are so many you want to do that when you have time you can’t decide which to do and don’t get any of them done? That’s the one I could really kick myself for…arg.

Trying to focus on what I’d like to get made this weekend in no particular order-
Sew more pillowcases from sheets
Cut down duvet cover for smaller duvet so we have a back up
Make extra dinner napkins
Stencil some of the napkins for St Patricks day
If I get those done I’d like to make a tablecloth for St Patrick’s day as well.
Green skirt I have been thinking about making for St Patrick’s day
Finish plaid wool skirt

A few other things I want to get done over this weekend-
Take pics and list a few things on craigslist
Start working on going through the front room & decluttering and trying to organize. This is a hold-over from New Year’s resolution goals I’d made (omg, ouch, 3 months ago) January’s home goal had been to go through room by room and declutter and organize. It’s now party way through march and I still haven’t finished and it’s about time to start SPRING cleaning. Trying to not feel to down and out about it and instead just regroup and finish that original goal.

I’d gotten through the ensuit bathroom, our closet, our bedroom, the office closet, the pantry. Aside from what I’d posted I did finish with the kitchen, the office, and the front porch. The front porch isn’t much to write home about because there’s essentially nothing out there, but hey, it IS done.

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